martes, 5 de junio de 2012

types of heroes

what is your hero of present ?
Name: Pablo Perez   From: Venezuela, Zulia
Occupation: lawyer
He is the governor of Zulia State
Wrestler and current director of scholarships jel

what is your hero of past ?
Name: Robin Longstride o Robin Hood           
Hábil arquero, defensor de los pobres y oprimidos, luchaba contra el sheriff de Nottingham que utilizaban la fuerza pública para acaparar ilegítimamente las riquezas de los nobles que se les oponían.

what is your hero of you community ? 

Name : Angel Ferrer  From : Venezuela, Zulia
Occupacion: Teacher
Father fighter and good example to follow

what is your hero of city ?

Name : Simon Bolivar From : Venezuela, Caracas 
Occupation :Military 
was a Venezuelan military and politicalthe father of the nation and inspired the Venezuelan Constitution that bears his nombre.El Liberator, in the company of people who joined him, fought and won independence from six nations: Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia . His thought and example are and will be guide for Venezuelans.

What is your heroes from the movies ? 

Name: Robert Pattinson From:Los Angeles, California
Occupation : Actor, model
He has received many awards including a Golden Globe for Best Actor for his performance in The Aviator in 2004. Additionally, won the Silver Bear Award and a Chlotrudis Satellite Award, among others, and has been nominated for an Academy Award, Screen Actors Guild Awards and BAFTA.2 Now a days is working on a new series of films The Twist series that will premiere in December 2013.

What is your heroes from the Cartoon ?

Name : Iron Man
 From: Estadounidences 
Occupation : Saving the world
Superhuman Strength: Iron Man is capable of lifting up to 100 tons to use his armor.
Flight: The armor can typically reach speeds above Mach 8, in recent comics, but Iron Man has been described as capable of reaching orbital velocities (5 miles per second) and up to speeds that can escape from black holes. The use of jet boots provide enough energy to lift a load of about 500 tons.

Whats is your hero personal ?
Name: Javier Barnique and Mirian Donzalez 
From: Venezuela, Zulia
Occupation :Lawyer and Teacher
For me, my heroes are my parents because they have achieved everything I am today. they are fighters, compassionate, strong and above all excellent parents.